ActiveReports 8

Learn about concepts that help you to understand how best to use ActiveReports.

This section contains information about

ActiveReports Designer
Learn what each of the tools and UI items on the report designer can help you to accomplish.
Report Types
Learn which type of ActiveReport best suits your needs.
Page Report Concepts  
Learn basic concepts that apply to Page reports.
Section Report Concepts  
Learn basic concepts that apply to Section reports.
Text Justification 
Learn how to use the TextJustify property.
Multiline in Report Controls
Learn how to enter multiline text in a report.
Line Spacing and Character Spacing
Learn how to control line spacing and character spacing in TextBox and Label report controls.
Learn about rendering extensions and exports, and which formats are available with Page and Section reports.
Interactive Features 
Learn about various interactive features that affect your report output.
Windows Forms Viewer Customization
Learn about all of the ways that you can customize the Windows Forms Viewer control.
Designer Control (Pro Edition)
Learn how you can provide a Windows Forms report designer for your end users
Shrink Text to Fit in a Control
Learn how to shrink text to fit in a TextBox control.
Standalone Designer and Viewer
Learn about the Standalone Designer and Viewer applications that help you create, edit and view a report quickly.
Learn about the ActiveReports localization model.
See Also

How To

Getting Started


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