ActiveReports 12 Server Designer User Guide
Collapsing a Group

By default, table groups display as expanded. You can collapse a group by changing the expanded property in the table group adorner to collapsible.

Important: To use the collapsible property, the group must have a header row, and must have a second group below it to hold the detail data.

To collapse a group

  1. Click the table to reveal the adorners.
  2. In the Group section, click the expand button next to the group that you want to collapse. The properties for the section appear.
  3. Change without a header row to with a header row
  4. Click Add a group and select the data to show when the user expands the group header. The expanded property becomes clickable.
  5. When you mouse over the expanded property, a drop-down arrow appears to the right. Click the arrow and select collapsible.

When you view the report, the collapsible group's rows display with a plus sign icon to the left of them. Click the icon to expand the group and show any associated details.

See Also
