ActiveReports 9
Axis Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see Axis members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAngledLabelsTrue if angled labels should be used.  
Public PropertyCrossAt

Gets or sets the value at which to cross the other axis.

Public PropertyEndCapThe end cap style to use for the axis.  
Public PropertyInterlaced

Gets or sets a value indicating whether strip lines are drawn for every second grid line interval for the axis. If grid lines are not used for the axis then the axis' tick marks or labels are used to determine the interlaced strip lines interval.

Public PropertyLogScale

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is logarithmic.

Public PropertyMajorGridLines

Gets or sets a value indicating how the major gridlines are displayed.

Public PropertyMajorInterval

Gets or sets the unit of measurement for major gridlines and tickmarks.

Public PropertyMajorTickMarks

Gets or sets the style of the major tick marks.

Public PropertyMargin

Gets or sets a value indicating whether an axis margin is created. The size of the margin is automatically generated based on the scale and the number of data points.

Public PropertyMax

Gets or sets the maximum value for the axis.

Public PropertyMin

Gets or sets the minimum value for the axis.

Public PropertyMinorGridLines

Gets or sets a value indicating how the minor gridlines are displayed.

Public PropertyMinorInterval

Gets or sets the unit of measurement for minor gridlines and tickmarks.

Public PropertyMinorTickMarks

Gets or sets the style of minor tick marks.

Public PropertyReverse

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the axis is plotted in reverse or normally. If set to true, the axis direction is reversed.

Public PropertyScalar

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values along the axis are scalar values (i.e. numeric or date) which are displayed on the chart in a continuous flow with missing numbers or dates filled in.

Public PropertyStyle

Gets or sets text style properties for the axis labels and line style properties for the axis line.

Public PropertyTitle

Gets or sets the title for the axis.

Public PropertyVisible

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis labels are displayed.

See Also


Axis Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel Namespace



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