ActiveReports 9
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components.Chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components.Chart namespace includes the interfaces that are used when creating graphs.
InterfaceIAxis Provides axis information required for chart rendering.
InterfaceIChart Interface for the chart report item.
InterfaceIChartDataPoint Interface for chart data points.
InterfaceIChartDataPointCollection Interface for a collection of chart data point objects.
InterfaceIChartMember Interface of chart members.
InterfaceIChartMemberCollection Interface for a collection of chart member objects.
InterfaceIDataLabel Interface for styling labels of the chart data point values.
InterfaceILegend Interface for chart legend.
InterfaceIMarker Defines a marker properties for displayed chart values.
InterfaceIPalette Represents chart palette.
InterfaceIPlotArea Interface for chart plot area.
InterfaceIReferenceLine Interface for chart reference line.
InterfaceIThreeDProperties Provides 3D properties.
InterfaceITitle Interface for chart title.
StructurePaletteEntry Defines chart palette entry.
EnumerationChartSeriesPlotType Defines chart series plot types.
EnumerationChartSubtype Defines chart subtypes.
EnumerationChartType Defines the enumeration of chart types.
EnumerationImageType An enumeration of chart image types.
EnumerationLegendLayout Defines the legend layout.
EnumerationLegendPosition Defines the legend position enumeration.
EnumerationMarkerType Defines the marker types of chart.
EnumerationSortOrder An enumeration of chart sort orders.
EnumerationThreeDPropertiesDrawingStyle Defines the 3D properties drawing styles enumeration.
EnumerationThreeDPropertiesProjectionMode Defines the 3D properties projection mode enumeration.
EnumerationThreeDPropertiesShading Defines the 3D properties shading enumeration.
EnumerationTickMark Defines the tick mark enumeration.
EnumerationTitlePosition Defines the title position enumeration.
See Also


GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v9 Assembly



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