ActiveReports 9
Add Static Rows and Columns to a Matrix

In a Matrix data region, you can add fixed rows and columns to provide space for additional detail data or labels.

To automatically add static columns and rows to a matrix

  1. From the Report Explorer, drag and drop a field onto the bottom right (detail) cell of the Matrix data region.
  2. From the Report Explorer, drag and drop an additional field onto the same detail cell to split the cell and create an additional static column or row (A grey bar indicates where the field is inserted). This creates a static cell on the selected side of the original detail cell, and adds a label using the field name.
Dropping an additional field.

New static column added.

Along with the additional cell, a static label cell is added automatically. The label is added at the position indicated in the following table, depending on the side of the original detail cell on which the static column or row is placed.

Position Relative to Detail Cell Position of Label Cell Description
Above Left Static row appears above the detail. An empty label cell is added so that you can label the details.
Below Left Static row appears below the detail. An empty label cell is added so that you can label the details.
Left Above Static column appears to the left of detail. An empty label cell is added so that you can label the details.
Right Above Static column appears to the right of detail. An empty label cell is added so that you can label the details.

To manually add static columns and rows to a matrix

  1. On the design surface, right-click the bottom right (detail) cell of the Matrix data region and select Add Column or Add Row.
  2. Cells are added to the Matrix at the following location as indicated in the table below. You can add text or expressions to the cells as needed.
    Selection Position Relative to Detail Position of Label Description
    Add Row Below Left Static row appears below the detail. An empty label cell is added so that you can label the details.
    Add Column Right Above Static row appears to the right of detail. An empty label cell is added so that you can label the details.
See Also




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