ActiveReports 9

Learn about the samples that fall under the API category.

This section contains:

This sample demonstrates how to create a page report layout in code. It further shows creating a table control, adding table rows and table columns inside it, adding cells inside the table rows and columns and adding text boxes inside the cells.
Custom Resource Locator
This Custom Resource Locator sample showcases a custom implementation of the resource locator to load pictures from the user's "My Pictures" directory.
DataSet DataSource
This sample demonstrates how to use a dataset as a data source for a report.
This sample demonstrates how to use Layers in a report.
This sample demonstrates loading the same data into three types of reports using the DataSet provider, XML provider and Object provider for fetching data from the data source.
This sample demonstrates how to connect to an OleDb data source at runtime and pass data to the report using LocateDataSource event.
The PageUnboundData sample demonstrates how to connect a page report to an unbound data source at runtime, using the DataSet provider with the LocateDataSource event.
This sample demonstrates how to create a custom Report Wizard that allows you to select a report from the list of multiple reports and then allows you to select the data that you want to display in the selected report.
This sample demonstrates how to connect to a XML data source at runtime and pass data to the report using LocateDataSource event.



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