ActiveReports 13
ActiveReports 13 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Web > HTML5 MVC

The HTML5 MVC sample demonstrates an MVC web application with the ActiveReports Web Viewer. This Sample is part of the ActiveReports Professional Edition. 

Note: Before running this sample, you must first install the ASP.NET MVC 3 framework on your machine.

Sample Location

Visual Basic.NET

<User Folder>\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 13\Web\HTML5_MVC\VB.NET


<User Folder>\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 13\Web\HTML5_MVC\C#


When you run the project, the page with the Customer Index view appears. On this page, you can click a customer in the list to open a new page with the Customer Details information. At the bottom of the page, there are two links - Freight Summary (section report) and Order Summary (page report). Clicking the Freight Summary (section report) link opens a page with the OrderReport report. Clicking the Order Summary (page report) link opens a page with the OrderDetailsReport.rdlx report. The project consists of:

Controllers: This folder contains the HomeController that handles the user interaction and returns the main Index view, the CustomerDetails view and the views with Freight Summary (section report) and Order Summary (page report).

DBContext: This folder contains the NWindData class that gets the Customer, Orders, Order Details tables of the NWIND.mdb and populates the data into the components of this sample project.

Models: This folder contains the following classes.


Views:  Contains the Home folder and the Web.config file. The Home folder consists of views. The configuration file contains the httpHandlers that allow ActiveReports to process view pages on the Web.

ActiveReports.Service.asmx: The report web service required for the proper functioning of the Web Viewer. The ActiveReports.Service.asmx is added automatically to the project when you place the Viewer control on the form. You can also can add this service by using Add New Item in the Visual Studio Project menu.

Global.asax: The default class that sets global URL routing values for this web application.

Web.config: The configuration file that contains the httpHandlers that allow ActiveReports to process this web application. Note that you need to manually update version information here when you update your version of ActiveReports.

See Also

Getting Started