ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide
Configuring ActiveReports 11 Server on SSL and HTTPS Web Sites
ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide > Installation > Configuring ActiveReports 11 Server on SSL and HTTPS Web Sites

To use SSL and HTTPS on the ActiveReports Server Web site, you need to make some configuration changes.

Note: If you want to use the HTTPS communication protocol, you need to specify the URL as "https://server:443/mobile/" or "https://server:443/m/".

To use the HTTPS protocol, you must create an SSL certificate. For help with this, see Microsoft's article How to: Configure an IIS-hosted WCF service with SSL.

To configure for HTTPS only

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and expand the Sites node.

  2. Select the ActiveReports 11 Server site, and on the right, in the Edit Site section, click Bindings...

  3. In the Site Bindings dialog that appears, click Add..

  4. In the Add Site Binding dialog that appears, select https under Type and select an SSL certificate under SSL certificate, then click OK to close the dialog.

  5. In the Site Bindings dialog, select the default http binding, and then click Remove. This will remove the default http binding.

  6. Open the web.config file of the Site and add the following code to the <system.serviceModel> section, between the <service> and </service>tags, to change the server address and port.
    Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <service> and </service> tags
    Copy Code
    <endpoint address="https://servername:443/ReportService.svc/json" binding="webHttpBinding"
    bindingConfiguration="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" behaviorConfiguration="JsonBehavior" />                        

  7. In the <system.serviceModel> section, between the <service> and </service> tags, remove the default code between the <endpoint> tags where the endpoint address="json".

  8. In the same <system.serviceModel> section, between the <service> and </service> tags, change the default code between the <endpoint> tags from "mexHttpBinding" to "mexHttpsBinding".

  9. In the same <system.serviceModel> section, under <behavior>, remove the default code httpGetEnabled="true from <serviceMetadata> tag and add the following code.
    Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <serviceMetadata> and </serviceMetadata> tags
    Copy Code

  10. In the <bindings> section, between the <webHttpBinding> tags, remove the default section <binding name="ReportServiceJsonBinding"> and add the following code.
    Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <webHttpBinding> and </webHttpBinding> tags
    Copy Code
    <binding name="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" maxReceivedMessageSize="0x3000000">
    <readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="0x3000000" />
    <security mode="Transport" />

  11. In the <bindings> section, between the <wsHttpBinding> tags, change the default security mode code from <security mode="None /"> to <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential" />.

  12. Restart the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

To configure for HTTP/HTTPS

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and expand the Sites node.

  2. Select the ActiveReports 11 Server site, and on the right, in the Edit Site section, click Bindings...

  3. In the Site Bindings dialog that appears, click Add..

  4. In the Add Site Binding that appears, select https under Type and select an SSL certificate under SSL certificate, then click OK.

  5. Open the web.config file and add the following code to the <system.serviceModel> section, between the <service> and </service>tags, changing the Server address and port.
    Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <service> and </service> tags
    Copy Code
    <endpoint address="https://servername:443/ReportService.svc/json" binding="webHttpBinding"
    bindingConfiguration="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" behaviorConfiguration="JsonBehavior" />                        

  6. In the same <system.serviceModel> section, under <behavior>, between the <serviceMetadata> tags, add the following code.
    Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <serviceMetadata> and </serviceMetadata> tags
    Copy Code

  7. In the <bindings> section, between the <webHttpBinding> tags, remove the default section <binding name="ReportServiceJsonBinding" and add the following code.
    Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the and </webHttpBinding> tags
    Copy Code
    <binding name="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" maxReceivedMessageSize="0x3000000">
    <readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="0x3000000" />
    <security mode="Transport" />

  8. Restart the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Once you set up the certificate and start using https:// to access the Web site on which ActiveReports 11 Server is installed, it begins working in secure mode.

For more help with this, see Microsoft's article on Configuring SSL on a Web Server or Web Site (IIS 6.0) or How to Set Up SSL on IIS 7.

See Also