ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide
Relation Cardinality
ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide > Concepts > Logical Data Models > Relation Cardinality

Relation cardinality dictates how relations are generated when you create a logical model, and how they are used to generate underlying SQL JOIN queries when you run reports. Generally, the cardinality is set in the underlying database, but if it is not set up properly there, you can set the cardinality of a relation from the Administrator Dashboard in the Model Editor. For more information, see Modifying a Relation.

Relation Types

When you add relations between entities, ActiveReports Server uses rules to determine cardinality. There are four ways that entities can relate:

If you add relations between entity A (from table A) and entity B (from table B) using the corresponding sets of tables in AC and BC, the rules for determining cardinality are as follows.

Adding relation AB to entity A

Adding relation BA to entity B


We can add a relation between the Album and Artist tables using the ArtistID column. Assuming this relation does not exist in the database yet, if we add the relation from the Album entity, we get an Album-to-Artist relation with OptionalOne cardinality and an Artist-to-Album relation with OptionalMany cardinality.


ActiveReports Server does not take role cardinality into account in determining what JOIN type to use. The relation in the data source controls the behavior.

Basically, if it accepts null values, it uses outer joins, otherwise it uses inner joins.


The Album table has a foreign key constraint linked with the Artist table, there is a relation created for it, and it belongs to the Album table. So long as Album.ArtistID does not accept null, then for queries joining the Album table to the Artist table, we use an INNER JOIN, but for queries joining the Artist table to the Album table, we use a LEFT JOIN. However, if Album.ArtistID is nullable, then even in the case of queries joining the Album table to the Artist table, we use a LEFT OUTER JOIN.

Consider relations based on foreign constraints between Playlist, Track and PlaylistTrack tables via PlaylistID and TrackID. The relations belong to the PlaylistTrack table as they refer to Playlist and Track. Assume for this purpose that CollapseInRelations is not set for PlaylistTrack. 

If you drop Playlist.Name and Track.Name to create a table, then the query tree looks like this:
> Playlists
> Tracks

In both cases, it uses an INNER JOIN, as both relations belong to the table (PlaylistTrack) from which the query pulls.

In the case of the Album and Artist tables, the relation connects an Album to an Artist by the ArtistID. So you can drop the Artist.Name attribute and a "Total Albums" aggregate to create a table. If you drop the Name attribute first, then the query looks like this:
> Album

In this case, it uses a LEFT OUTER JOIN because the relation belongs to the table (Album) from which the query pulls.

See Also