ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide
Customize and Publish the ClickOnce End User Designer
ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide > How To > Customize and Publish the ClickOnce End User Designer

With the ActiveReports Professional Edition, you can use the ClickOnce Designer sample to create your own ClickOnce End User Designer and publish it to ActiveReports Server. The ClickOnce Designer sample is provided with the ActiveReports Server installation.

To compile the ClickOnce Designer sample, first install ActiveReports with the Professional license.
  1. Open the ClickOnce Designer sample in Visual Studio. By default, the ClickOnce Designer sample is located at C:\ActiveReports 11 Server\SDK\Samples\Click Once Designer.  
  2. In Solution Explorer, select the EndUserDesigner.cs sample file.
  3. Right-click the file and select View code.
  4. Modify the sample files based on your requirements. For example, in the Code view, find the following code line:
             private void CreateReport(DesignerReportType type)
       _reportName = "Untitled";
    and replace "Untitled" with "NewReport1".

    This replaces the default name of the report before you save it to the file system.

    Note: You cannot modify the Program.cs file as it contains the ActiveReports Server initialization parameters and other important code.
  5. In the Build menu, click Build ClickOnce Designer.
  6. In the Build menu, click Publish ClickOnce Designer and follow the Publish Wizard. Be sure to enter the path to the ActiveReports Server folder to replace the default ClickOnce End User Designer with the customized one.

    Note: When the ClickOnce Designer application is republished after modifications, the existing certificate is revoked from the application. You need to sign the certificate again to create a trusted application.

See Also