ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Section Report > Layout

Learn to create different layouts in a section report.

This section contains:

Annual Report
Demonstrates how to use subreports and nested subreports, how to modify data source properties at run time, how to use parameters in the chart control, how to create alternate row highlighting and how to use the page break control.
Category Selection
Demonstrates using the ad hoc report filter by modifying the report's SQL query at run time.
Demonstrates the use of the Chart control in both bound and unbound modes.
Cross Section Control
Demonstrates the use of the new cross section lines and boxes.
Cross Tab Report
Demonstrates using unbound data, conditional highlighting and distributing data across columns to create a cross-tab view and data aggregation.
Demonstrates using the method that inherits a report at run time and design time.
Style Sheets
Demonstrates changing styles at run time to provide a different look to a same report.
Demonstrates using subreports in an ActiveReports report.
See Also