ActiveReports 11
Report Explorer
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > ActiveReports Designer > Report Explorer

The Report Explorer gives you a visual overview of the report elements in the form of a tree view where each node represents a report element.

Using the Report Explorer with any type of report, you can remove controls, add, edit or remove parameters, add a data source, and drag fields onto the report. You can also select the report or any element in the report to display in the Properties Window, where you can modify its properties.

ActiveReports supports three types of reports:

Section reports, RDL reports and page reports are composed of different types of report elements, so the Report Explorer shows different elements in the report tree depending on the type of report you have open. For more information on how to use the Report Explorer with each, see Exploring Page and RDL Reports  and Exploring Section Reports .

To show or hide the Report Explorer in Visual Studio

Once you add the Report Explorer in Visual Studio, it appears every time you create a new Windows application. Use the steps below to hide it when you do not need it.

  1. Right-click on the Visual Studio toolbar and select ActiveReports to display the report designer toolbar. See Toolbar for further details.
  2. On the Designer toolbar, click the View ReportExplorer button. The Report Explorer window appears.
  3. To hide the Report Explorer, follow the steps above and toggle View ReportExplorer back off.

Tip: Another way to show the Report Explorer window in Visual Studio, is from the View menu, select Other Windows, then Report Explorer 10.

To change a report using the Report Explorer

More actions specific to each report type can be found in Exploring Page and RDL Reports and Exploring Section Reports .

To change control properties

  1. In the Report Explorer, select the control for which properties are to be changed. In the Properties Window, all of the properties for the item appear.
  2. Change property values by entering text or selecting values from drop-down lists. With some properties, for example, OutputFormat or Filters, when you click the property, an ellipsis button appears to the right. Click the ellipsis button to open a dialog where you can make changes.

To delete a control

  1. In the Report Explorer, expand the node that contains the control that you want to remove.
  2. Right-click the control and select Delete.
  3. In the dialog that appears, click Yes to confirm the deletion.
See Also