ActiveReports 11
Linking in Reports
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > Interactive Features > Linking in Reports

You can enhance the interactivity in your report by adding different types of links to it. ActiveReports provides the ability to add bookmarks, hyperlinks, drill-through links to reports.

The following topic explains the links you can create in page and section reports.

Page Report/RDL Report


Hyperlinks take you to a web page that opens in the default browser of the system. You can set hyperlinks in the Textbox, Image, Chart, Calendar and Map controls to access a Web page from your report. See Add Hyperlinks for further information.

Hyperlinks are displayed when you preview a page report or a RDL report in the Viewer, export a report in HTML , PDF, RTF and Excel formats. You can also see hyperlinks in Word, HTML and PDF formats when you render reports using rendering extensions.


A bookmark link is similar to a hyperlink, except that it moves the viewer to another area in the report instead of linking to a web page. You can create these links on a control using a Bookmark ID that connects to another target control. See Adding Bookmarks for further information.

Bookmarks are displayed when you preview a page report/RDL report in the Viewer or render a report through rendering extensions in Word, HTML and PDF formats.

Drill through links

A drill-through link takes you to another report with more detail. Drill-through links appear as a hyperlink that you can click to move to a completely different report. You can also create more complex links where you pass parameters to the report called by the link.

Drill-through links are displayed when you preview a page report/RDL report in the Viewer or render a report through rendering extensions in HTML format.

Note: While rendering a report to HTML, drill-through links are broken unless the target report is also exported to the same directory with the same name as the original.

Section Layout


Hyperlinks take you to a web page that opens in the default browser of the system. You can set the HyperLink property available with the Label, Textbox, Picture and OleObject controls that allow you to add hyperlinks that connect to a Web page. You can also use the HyperLink property to open an e-mail or jump to a bookmark. See Add Hyperlinks for further details.

Hyperlinks are supported when you preview a section report in the Viewer, export a report in HTML , PDF, RTF and Excel formats.


Bookmark links take you to a location where the bookmark is set on your report. Unlike hyperlinks, these links take you within the report. Bookmarks and nested bookmarks appear in the document map for fields, groups and subreports. You can also add special bookmarks at run-time. You can use hyperlinks for simulating a drill through like feature similar to Page Layout. See Add Bookmarks for further details.

Bookmarks are supported when you preview a section report in the Viewer, export a report in HTML and PDF formats.

Note: When you export a report to HTML, a*.TOC file is created in the folder where you export the report. Use this file to reach the bookmarked locations.
See Also