ActiveReports 11
BorderDiagonalStyles Enumeration

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Excel.v11 Assembly > GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Style Namespace : BorderDiagonalStyles Enumeration
Used with DDCell's BorderDiagonalEnum property to determine whether a diagonal border goes up or down, or both (which forms an "X" across the cell).
Public Enum BorderDiagonalStyles 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum BorderDiagonalStyles : System.Enum 
BothOne diagonal border starts in the bottom left corner and goes to the upper right corner, and a second one starts in the upper left corner and goes to the bottom right corner, forming an X.
DownThe diagonal border starts in the upper left corner, and goes down to the lower right corner.
NoneNo diagonal border will be drawn.
UpThe diagonal border starts in the bottom left corner, and goes up to the upper right corner.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Style Namespace