ActiveReports 11
ChartType Enumeration

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.v11 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace : ChartType Enumeration

Specifies the ChartType used for the Series.

Public Enum ChartType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum ChartType : System.Enum 
AreaAn area chart is drawn.
Area3DA 3D area chart is drawn.
Bar2DA bar chart is drawn.
Bar3DA 3D bar chart is drawn.
BezierA bezier chart is drawn.
Bezier3DA bezier 3D chart is drawn.
BezierXYA bezier XY chart is drawn.
BezierXY3DA bezier XY 3D chart is drawn.
BubbleA bubble chart is drawn.
BubbleXYA bubble XY chart is drawn.
CandleA candle chart is drawn.
ClusteredBarA clustered bar chart is drawn.
DoughnutA doughnut chart is drawn.
Doughnut3DA 3D doughnut chart is drawn.
FunnelA funnel chart is drawn.
Funnel3DA funnel 3D chart is drawn.
GanttA Gantt chart is drawn.
Gantt3DA Gantt 3D chart is drawn.
HiLoA HiLo chart is drawn.
HiLoOpenCloseA HiLoOpenClose chart is drawn.
HorizontalBarA HorizontalBar chart is drawn.
HorizontalBar3DA HorizontalBar3D chart is drawn.
KagiA Kagi chart is drawn.
Kagi3DA Kagi 3D chart is drawn.
LineA line chart is drawn.
Line3DA 3D line chart is drawn.
LineXYA line XY chart is drawn.
LineXY3DA line XY 3D chart is drawn.
PlotXYA plot XY chart is drawn.
PointAndFigureA point and figure chart is drawn.
PyramidA pyramid chart is drawn.
Pyramid3DA pyramid 3D chart is drawn.
RenkoA Renko chart is drawn.
Renko3DA Renko 3D chart is drawn.
ScatterA scatter chart is drawn.
StackedAreaA stacked area chart is drawn.

A stacked area chart filling 100% of the chart area is drawn.

StackedArea3DA stacked area 3D chart is drawn.
StackedArea3D100PctA stacked area 3D 100% chart is drawn.
StackedBarA stacked bar chart is drawn.
StackedBar100PctA stacked bar chart filling 100% of the chart area is drawn.
StackedBar3DA 3D stacked bar chart is drawn.
StackedBar3D100PctA 3D stacked bar chart filling 100% of the chart area is drawn.
ThreeLineBreakA three line break chart is drawn.
ThreeLineBreak3DA three line break 3D chart is drawn.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace