ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide
Model List Overview
ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide > Managing Models > Model List Overview

You can view and modify all of the data models you have available for creating reports on the Administrator Dashboard Models page.

Note: ActiveReports Server Designer Add-On license is required to create new Model.

Creating a New Model
Learn to create a new data model with the wizard.
Cloning a Model
Learn to copy an existing data model.
Working with Model Versions
Learn to use versioning to track changes to your data model. This allows you to revert to previous versions. 
Deleting a Model
Learn to delete data models.
Uploading and Downloading Models
Learn to upload and download data models for backing up or transferring them.

Model Commands

You can perform actions on models using the commands to the right of each model in the list.

Command Descriptions

Command Description
Create report Opens the report designer with the data model already selected.
Edit Opens the Model Editor so that you can modify the model's properties. For more information, see Model Editor Overview.
Rename Allows you to change the model's name.
Permissions Opens the Change Permissions dialog where you can select which roles have access to the model.
History Displays a list of modifications by date. If you do not supply comments when you modify it, a description of the modification is automatically generated.
Download Downloads and saves a model to the local file system.
Clone Creates a copy of the latest version of the model, without any of the reports.
Delete Deletes the model. This command is not available for the sample model, ensuring that there is always at least one model available.
See Also