ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide
Using the ReportList Web Control
ActiveReports 10 Server User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Walkthroughs > Using the ReportList Web Control

ActiveReportsServer allows you to retrieve the reports list from ActiveReportsServer site using the ReportList control. It also allows you to incorporate the feature of exporting each report into PDF, Word or Excel format in the application developed by the user. This topic explains how to retrieve reports from a site by entering credentials in the log-in screen or through the Web.config file.

To create a Log In page

Note: The following steps are not required if you are adding credentials in the Web.config file.
  1. In Visual Studio, create a new C# ASP.NET Web Site.
  2. Open the Design view of your default Web Form and from the Standard section of the Toolbox, drag the following controls and drop them onto the body section of Web Form, setting their properties as in the table below.

    Controls for the Log In page

    Control Text Property
    Label User Name:
    TextBox ?
    Label Password:
    TextBox ?
    Button Log In
  3. Select Add New Item from the Website menu of Visual Studio.
  4. In the Add New Item dialog that appears, select Class, enter SessionStorage.vb/SessionStorage.cs in the name field and click Add.
  5. Replace the SessionStorage.vb/SessionStorage.cs code with the following code:

    Visual Basic

    Visual Basic (Paste INSIDE SessionStorage.vb)
    Copy Code
    Imports System
    Imports System.Web
    Namespace App_Code
        Public Class SessionStorage
            Private Const SecurityTokenKey As String = "{DEBDB016-040A-48f4-B568-897E6D410919}"
            Public Shared Property SecurityToken() As String
                    Return TryCast(HttpContext.Current.Session(SecurityTokenKey), String)
                End Get
                Set(value As String)
                    HttpContext.Current.Session(SecurityTokenKey) = value
                End Set
            End Property
        End Class
    End Namespace


    C# (Paste INSIDE SessionStorage.cs)
    Copy Code
    using System;
    using System.Web;
    namespace App_Code
        public static class SessionStorage
            private const string SecurityTokenKey = "{DEBDB016-040A-48f4-B568-897E6D410919}";
            public static string SecurityToken
                get { return HttpContext.Current.Session[SecurityTokenKey] as string; }
                set { HttpContext.Current.Session[SecurityTokenKey] = value; }
  6. At the top of Default.aspx.vb/Default.aspx.cs, with the other Imports/using directives, paste the following code to use Servicing namespace and App_Code namespace.

    Visual Basic

    Visual Basic (Paste at the top of file)
    Copy Code
    Imports ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing
    Imports App_Code            


    C# (Paste at the top of file)
    Copy Code
    using ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing;
    using App_Code;

    Note: An error will be thrown in the following line until you add ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.dll reference using the steps mentioned in To add the ReportList control to a Web Form.

    using ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing;

  7. Double-click the button to create button click event. The *.cs file for the page appears with the cursor inside the button click event.
  8. In the button click event, paste the following code to get the security token from the user's credentials entered in the log-in screen.

    Visual Basic

    Visual Basic (Paste INSIDE the button click event)
    Copy Code
    Dim username = TextBox1.Text
    Dim password = TextBox2.Text
    Dim reportService = New ReportServiceProxy()
    SessionStorage.SecurityToken = Nothing
    Dim securityToken = reportService.Login(username, password, Nothing, False)
    SessionStorage.SecurityToken = securityToken


    C# (Paste INSIDE the button click event)
    Copy Code
    var username = TextBox1.Text;
    var password = TextBox2.Text;
    var reportService = new ReportServiceProxy();
    SessionStorage.SecurityToken = null;
    var securityToken = reportService.Login(username, password, null, false);
    SessionStorage.SecurityToken = securityToken;

    Note: An error will be thrown in the following line(s) until you add ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.dll reference using the steps mentioned in To add the ReportList control to a Web Form.

    Dim reportService = New ReportServiceProxy()
    var reportService = new ReportServiceProxy();

  9. In the Web.config file, add the following code to enable the compatibility mode.

    To enable the ASP.NET compatibility mode

    ASP.NET code. Paste BETWEEN the <configSections> tab and </configSections>
    Copy Code
    <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />

To create .svc file for WCF service

Note: These steps are required when using ASP.NET website. You do not need to create .svc file manually in case of ASP.NET Web application, as service file is added automatically when a ReportList control is dropped upon the web form.

  1. Select Add New Item from the Website menu of Visual Studio.
  2. In the Add New Item dialog that appears, select WCF, enter ReportService.svc in the name field and click Add.
  3. Replace the ReportService.svc code with the following code:

    To create .svc file for WCF service

    ASP.NET code
    Copy Code
    <%@ ServiceHost
    Factory="ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing.ReportServiceHostFactory" %>
  4. In the App_Code file, the following files are added by default. You need to delete these files as they are not required.
    • IReprotService.cs
    • ReprotService.cs

To add the ReportList control to a Web Form

  1. Add a second Web Form to your project, Default2.aspx. (Add to the default Web form if you have not created the Log-in page)
  2. Open the Design view of your Web Form and from the toolbox, drag and drop the ReportList control onto the body section of the Web Form.

    If you need to add the control to your toolbox, drop down these steps.

    1. Right-click in the General tab and select Choose items.
    2. In the Choose Toolbox Items dialog that appears, the .NET Framework Components tab is selected by default. Click the Namespace column header to sort by namespace.
    3. The ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls namespace is at or near the top of the list. Select the checkbox next to ReportList and click OK.
    4. The ReportList control appears in your Visual Studio toolbox.
  3. On the message box that appears, click Yes to automatically add .svc file to your Web site to give the report list access to proxy services.

    Note: The.svc file is not added automatically when using ASP.NET Website. You need to manually add ReportService.svc file by using the above steps mentioned in To create .svc file for WCF service.

  4. In the Properties window, set the ServerEndpointRootPath property to the URL that you want to use as the basis for all of the other URLs in your site, which can then be set as relative URLs. (Replace localhost:8080 with the site port where you installed ActiveReports  Server)

    Note: The ReportServicePath property is not automatically set when using ASP.NET website. You need to manually set the file path of ReportService.svc.

  5. You can resize the control by changing the Width property in the Properties grid.

To display the report list on the ReportList control

You can specify the security token and ActiveReports 10 Server host using code in a Global Application Class.

  1. From the Visual Studio Website menu, select Add New Item.
  2. In the Add New Item dialog that appears, select Global Application Class and click Add.
  3. Below the Application Language tag at the top of Global.asax, import the Servicing namespace so that you can use the ReportServiceProxy with a directive like the following:

    To import Servicing namespace

    ASP.NET code. (Paste on the line BELOW the Application Language line)
    Copy Code
    <%@ Import Namespace="ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="App_Code" %>
    Note: You need to add directives in Global.asax.vb/Global.asax.cs file when using ASP.NET Web application.
    Visual Basic (Paste at the top of Global.asax.vb file)
    Copy Code
    Imports ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing
    Imports App_Code      
    C# (Paste at the top of Global.asax.cs file)
    Copy Code
    using ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Servicing;
    using App_Code;
  4. Below the Application Start event, create the ResolveRemoteEndpoint event using code like the following, but with your address and security token:

    Visual Basic

    Visual Basic (Paste in the Global.asax file AFTER the Application_Start event)
    Copy Code
    Private Shared Sub ResolveRemoteEndpoint(remoteEndpoint As RemoteEndpoint)
        remoteEndpoint.Address = "http://localhost:8080"
        remoteEndpoint.SecurityToken = SessionStorage.SecurityToken
    End Sub  


    C# (Paste in the Global.asax file AFTER the Application_Start event)
    Copy Code
    static void ResolveRemoteEndpoint(RemoteEndpoint remoteEndpoint)
        remoteEndpoint.Address = "http://localhost:8080";
        remoteEndpoint.SecurityToken = SessionStorage.SecurityToken;
  5. Provide a handler for the ResolveRemoteEndPoint event using code like the following in the Application Start event:

    To provide a handler for the event

    C# code. Paste INSIDE the Application_Start event.
    Copy Code
    ReportServiceProxy.ResolveRemoteEndpoint += ResolveRemoteEndpoint;

You can also specify the user name, password, and ActiveReports 10 Server host in your web application's web.config file.

Note: Use the following steps to add credentials in the Web.config file without creating the log-in page.

In the web.config file, add credentials using code like the following.

ASP.NET code. Paste in the web.config file AFTER the </configSections> tag.
Copy Code
    <sectionGroup name="activereports.server">
      <section name="reportServiceProxy" type="ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls.Configuration.ActiveReportsServerSection, 
      ActiveReports.Server.ReportControls, Version=9.x.xxxx.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d557f2f30a260da2" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
<reportServiceProxy remoteReportServicePath="http://localhost:8080/" username="MyUserName" password="MyPassword" />
Note: Replace "Version=9.x.xxxx.1" with the version number of the installed ActiveReports 10 Server.

At run time, the ReportList control retrieves all of the reports from ActiveReports 10 Server, and provides buttons to export each to PDF, Word, and ExcelNotw.

See Also